
Your pain has not been without divine purpose.

Amazing Human, I want to remind you today, that the pain you have endured, has not been without divine purpose … every heartache⠀ every heartbreak⠀ every breakdown⠀ every tear⠀ every challenge⠀ every moment of seeming despair⠀ ⠀ it hasn’t been without divine purpose. ⠀ ⠀ these times⠀ they grew you 🌱 ⠀ ⠀ in ways your ego / mind didn’t...
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Releasing your need for external validation.

As young children, many of us were taught to be ‘good little girls’, and to always keep the peace, by making sure we did whatever our authority figures told us. Walking on eggshells and tending to everyone else’s requests of us. As we grow into women, and start to feel into who we really are at the deepest level —...
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Answering the call of your Authentic Self.

Let’s talk about what happens when you start to answer the call to step into your TRUE authentic self. When you have spent most of your life being the ‘good girl’ who grew into the ‘people pleasing woman’, there generally comes a time when you realise that it is no longer sustainable to live in this way. Your heart, your...
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Rebuilding yourself and your life.

after a break up⠀ a break down⠀ a death ⠀ a bankruptcy⠀ a loss⠀ of any kind it will take ⠀ however long it takes to piece yourself⠀ and your life⠀ back together you can’t predict⠀ how long it will take⠀ to get back on your feet it will be messy⠀ and arduous one step forward⠀ and many back but...
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What would happen if you stopped worrying?

You know what would change, if you actually deeply trusted the process of your life? Well, you would stop worrying. Because, if you actually trusted that you were being taken care of, you would just show up and do your bit, and leave the rest to the higher intelligence that governs us all. But, for some reason, we humans think...
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The process of becoming (who you really are).

Who is the woman you are becoming? There is a woman you are becoming. A future version of you. And this future version … she depends upon the actions you take today. She depends on … Whether you consistently choose growth and expansion, over comfort and safety. Whether you take a ‘risk’, or whether you play it safe. Whether you...
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17 things I wish every woman knew.

Things I wish every woman knew. Over the past five years as I’ve inadvertently ended up working only with women (I’ve seen only TWO men in my career – I didn’t do this on purpose either!), there are certain things that I find myself desperately wanting these women to deeply know and understand. Here’s a list of some of them!...
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You belong to yourself.

Amazing woman,  Before you were a wife / parent / sister / friend / aunty / colleague / mentor / boss / cook / cleaner / taxi driver / pet owner / AND the many other hats you wear … … you were just YOU. ⠀ You! A soul that dropped into a particular body, to particular parents, in this...
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Dear Exhaustion, thank you for showing me the way back home (to myself).

(a love note to exhaustion) Dear Exhaustion, You are my greatest teacher. For most of my life, you were my constant companion, and I never knew why. I accepted you as ‘normal’. I thought that this feeling of utmost depletion and burnout was ‘just life’ … for all of us. I learnt that in order to function the way I...
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