
Self-Love + Self-Care

Honouring your soul truth, even when it’s painful.

Honouring the truth of your own soul is the ultimate act of self-love, and at times, this is going to require you to walk away from that which no longer serves you and your journey. This might mean walking away from: A relationship A job A city A friend Or whatever else Not because those people or things (or you)...
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Releasing control and trusting the process of your life.

Letting go of my hyper-controlling ways has been such a loooooooong journey for me, especially over the last couple of years, after my life was up-ended by a series of events in late 2018. Though I’ve come a long way, I still sometimes find myself gripping tightly to needing to know ‘what’s going to happen’. Wanting to predict and control,...
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Let go, in order to receive.

Lately, from deep within myself I have been hearing the whispers of, ‘let go, let go, let go’ … When I notice my body full of tension … ‘let go’ When I notice myself trying to predict and control the future … ‘let go’ When I’m in total resistance to what the present moment is offering me … ‘let go’...
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Embodying the feminine.

The feminine energy that resides within you is the part of your energetic system that calls you to rest, play, be creative, and dance with life. This means surrendering control and bowing down to the divine mystery, letting things unfold exactly as they ought to, in perfect and divine timing. Within this society (system) that we have all be born...
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Emotions need to move through you.

Emotions are simply energy in motion, and they need to move through you. Holding your emotions in is seriously akin to holding physical toxins in the body and never letting them out — eventually, your body is going to manifest some sort of physical ‘ailment’ to let you know that there’s toxicity, and that detoxification is necessary. Likewise, our emotions...
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What will happen when you start to say no and set boundaries?

Written for my beloved people pleasing women … What will happen when you decide to start letting go of your people pleasing ways, setting loving boundaries, and putting yourself right up there on the to-do list? What will happen when you decide to stop saying yes, when you really mean no? In my personal experience, when I decided to shed...
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Releasing your need for external validation.

As young children, many of us were taught to be ‘good little girls’, and to always keep the peace, by making sure we did whatever our authority figures told us. Walking on eggshells and tending to everyone else’s requests of us. As we grow into women, and start to feel into who we really are at the deepest level —...
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Answering the call of your Authentic Self.

Let’s talk about what happens when you start to answer the call to step into your TRUE authentic self. When you have spent most of your life being the ‘good girl’ who grew into the ‘people pleasing woman’, there generally comes a time when you realise that it is no longer sustainable to live in this way. Your heart, your...
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17 things I wish every woman knew.

Things I wish every woman knew. Over the past five years as I’ve inadvertently ended up working only with women (I’ve seen only TWO men in my career – I didn’t do this on purpose either!), there are certain things that I find myself desperately wanting these women to deeply know and understand. Here’s a list of some of them!...
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