
You belong to yourself.

Amazing woman, 

Before you were a wife / parent / sister / friend / aunty / colleague / mentor / boss / cook / cleaner / taxi driver / pet owner / AND the many other hats you wear …

… you were just YOU. ⠀


A soul that dropped into a particular body, to particular parents, in this particular lifetime.

Before all those roles became a gazillion different ‘hats’ that you wear … you belonged simply to yourself.

And the thing is – you still do.

You belong to yourself!

I know, it doesn’t feel like it … because so many people, animals, jobs and other ‘things’ need you.

You may forget (most of the time) that you have your own valid needs, dreams and desires.

You may have never been given permission to pursue what lights YOU up, or consider that your requirements for an amazing life maybe very different to someone else’s.

You may have lost your connection to your spirit – the part of you that is alive, vibrant, wanting to experience your particular life in some unique and special way.

But … if you just slow down, get still, and become dedicated to spending time with your wise, inner guidance, you will remember:

You belong to yourself.

Once you deeply remember this … you will drop the (very unnecessary) guilt around taking whatever steps you need to take, to ensure that your existence is:

> a vibrant expression of your soul, ⠀
> doing what fulfills you, ⠀
> in a body that is vital and truly well.

You are not here to belong to everybody else.

Belong to yourself FIRST – and then watch how much easier it is to keep giving to everything and everybody else, once you’re full to the brim.

Don’t buy too much into the rat race and being an excessive people pleaser … it only takes you away from your soul. Far, far away – so far, that you will begin to feel lost, lonely, disconnected, and like something is ‘missing’ in your life.

Your entire world benefits when you remember this truth:

You belong to yourself.

And when you truly live it, you become and example of what it means to be fully self-expressed. This literally helps the whole world – you being the brightest version of YOU.




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